Health and Safety

 Health and Safety















Jeff McCall has an extensive understanding of this area of law and is available to assist you in understanding your rights and responsibilities in relation to health and safety, including: 


  • Employee's Responsibilities
  • Levels of personal and corporate liability
  • What is a 'hazard'? 

Margaret Smyth practiced as a Registered Nurse for 15 years including as a charge nurse on coronary care at Kings College Hospital, London and at Christchurch Public Hospital. Since obtaining her law degree from the University of Canterbury, her hospital experience has enabled her to advise on many aspects of law relevant to the health sector including:


  • Health and Disability Commissioner matters
  • Coroner's Court matters
  • Hospital employment, treatment and clinical negligence cases. 

For all health and safety matters please contact Jeff McCall or complete our enquiries form and our helpful team will direct you to the appropriate person.